The United States Department of Labor has found that people who hold a master's degree actually earn eighteen percent more per week than people who do not have one. The annual report regarding the state of online education in the United States, In Growing by Degrees: Online Education in the United States, 2005, it was reported that 44 percent of schools that offer master's degree programs in person also offer online master's degree programs. The convenience of distance learning master's degree programs makes it easier for working professionals to pursue higher education without compromising their current position.
The United States Department of Education found that over 75 accredited colleges offer MBA education online. Virtual classrooms provide literally hundred of options for graduate students to select from in areas such as science, arts, fine arts, accounting, real estate, education, finance, business administration and more.
Distance learning master's degree programs require students to hold a bachelor's degree and dedicate the greater portion of their time to studying independently. The possible curriculum of online master's degree programs may be delivered through email, virtual lectures, reading assignments, online chats and writing assignments. Some online graduate education programs may require students to physically attend a certain number of courses or workshops to earn residency hours.
Testing for online master's degree programs is frequently done through proctors right in the student's neighborhood. To help finance their education, students can pursue federal and state financial aid, loans, scholarships and employer tuition reimbursement programs. Students traditionally attend thirty to sixty semester hours to complete a master's degree, which can be done online in fifteen to thirty-six months.
Master's degrees are differentiated by post-nominal letters that show the level of academic achievement a student has earned. The most common areas of master's degree education are Master of Education (MEd, MAT, MSEd), Master of Science (MS), Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). MBA education online programs allow busy business executives to conveniently fit advanced learning into their schedules. Further, one in five students studying to earn a master's degree pursues an MBA, proving that MBA education online affords more people the chance to achieve higher learning.
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, those people who hold a master's degree enjoy salaries that are $200 higher than those people who hold a bachelor's degree. Distance learning master's degree programs enable more people to pursue the dream of higher education without compromising their current circumstances.
By Mary Jackson [ 05/11/2007 ]
Article Source:
Friday, November 16, 2007
Online MBA Programs
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Orlando Schools… Magnets, Mufflers And More
Every school district must strive for excellence. Orlando Schools are no exception. From Magnet Schools to new bus mufflers, from backpacks to free or reduced lunches, the Orlando Schools system is working to continuously improve itself.
BACKPACKS: The S.T.A.R.S. program (Supplies To Assist Our Students) is the only program that provides backpacks and basic school supplies to elementary, middle and high school students in Orlando Public Schools in West Orange County. Students will have the tools they need the first day of school. The goal of S.T.A.R.S. is to coordinate community based and individual efforts to efficiently and effectively assist Orlando Schools students in need so every child who needs a backpack gets one.
FREE/REDUCED LUNCHES: The Orlando Schools district is accepting applications from families who want to qualify for free or reduced-price meals for their children.
Applications are available at all schools. Orlando Schools families must complete the application and return it to the school their child will attend. For more than one child, one application may be used for all, and it may be returned to any school one of the children will attend. To qualify, families must be at 200% below the poverty level.
MAGNET SCHOOLS: Magnet programs have been established at Orlando Schools elementary, middle and high schools to provide an opportunity for students to engage in intensive study in specific areas. Orlando Schools magnet programs offer the opportunity for students to discover their talents and explore their interests while focusing on strong academic excellence. The programs are designated to attract students from across the district with transportation provided for elementary and middle school students, who reside in specified areas.
Orlando Schools grades 9-12 magnet programs provide unique personalized learning communities. These programs of study are aimed at increasing student achievement and permit a student to focus on interest, talents or career goals. Middle and elementary magnet programs in Orlando Schools provide students with the opportunity to participate in challenging experiences that engage them in learning.
MUFFLERS: An ambitious attempt across the nation to remove nasty and lethal ingredients from diesel exhaust has taken aim at the tailpipes of Orlando Schools buses. The original mufflers on 90 buses have been replaced in recent weeks with a type that incinerates a portion of pollutants. That's good for students, motorists and pedestrians who breathe fumes from those buses. Dirty diesel exhaust has been linked to illnesses such as bronchitis, asthma and cancer. Environmental improvements for other school buses will come gradually because of cost and the long lives of diesel engines.
Nearly 1,300 school buses serving Orlando Schools still don't have the devices, called "diesel-oxidation catalysts," which cost about $1,000 each.
"I wish we could get more," said Steve Huckeba, senior administrator of Orlando Schools system operations. "[but] We can't take education dollars to do that."
Orlando Schools are able to count on enough funding to replace about 10 percent of its fleet each year. Even at that rate, a lot of relatively dirty buses will remain on the road for a long time.
Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Orlando Public Schools
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